
  • Wireless Battle of the Mesh – Building Community Networks for Fun and Non-Profit

    Wireless Battle of the Mesh – Building Community Networks for Fun and Non-Profit

    Autonomic members are aiming to attend. Here is our public endorsement!

  • Publishing our Ansible roles

    Publishing our Ansible roles

    We’re delighted to announce that we’re publishing our Ansible roles into the open under… at long last 🥳 They’ve always been licensed as libre software but due to the way we managed our internal infrastructure configurations, they were embedded in a private repository. The roles are currently lacking documentation and written […]

  • The Co-op Cloud Federation Proposal

    The Co-op Cloud Federation Proposal

    Following on in the tradition of making short blog posts about Co-op Cloud on this blog, here comes another one! We’re delighted to announce that we have finally published the Co-op Cloud federation proposal. It’s a document which aims to formalise the organisation of the project, focusing on a democratic process. It’s open […]

  • Come join the good ship Autonomic!

    Come join the good ship Autonomic!

    Hi do you want to work with the coolest anarchist tech workers co-operative?

  • New Co-op Cloud blog, socials and updates

    New Co-op Cloud blog, socials and updates

    Co-op Cloud project blog, socials and monthly updates